The Video Game Crash of 1983: 速成班遊戲 #6

So the 1980s was the golden age of arcade games. Games like Donkey Kong, Pac- 男人, Space Invaders, and Centipede had become a cultural phenomenon. These games had expanded the gamer demographic and even encouraged the rise of competitive gaming. There were also many innovations in the home console and computer market with deeper and longer games like Pitfall and Castle Wolfenstein. Suddenly, you could play a game for much longer than your single quarter could get you on an arcade machine. So the video game industry was booming, but it had also become a sort of Wild West and everyone from Purina to Quaker wanted to get into the action. With these new creators came a glut of choices, and to remain competitive Atari began rushing games to market resulting in some truly terrible games. Gamers started to lose confidence in the industry and then in 1983 the gaming industry in the United States crashed.

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Alyssa Nolden, 標記, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, Kristina Lavoie, 桑德拉船尾, 埃里克廚房, Simun Niclasen, Eric Knight, 伊恩·鄧多爾, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, Nicholas Bury, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 莫里茨施密特, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 亞歷克斯, Brian Roberds, 前田真由美, 杰弗裡湯普森, 蒙瑟, Noora Althani, 史蒂夫·馬歇爾, 凱西 & Tim philip, 感謝以下贊助人每月的慷慨捐助,幫助大家永遠免費使用速成課程, 傑森·薩斯洛, 吉拉特, Jacob Ash, Christy Huddleston, and Chris Peters.

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當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始 –
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