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繼續聽 | 通過觀看 Sofar Sounds 的現場表演來支持世界各地的藝術家’ 聚焦 Sofar Sounds 的藝術家. 為 Tonina 的表演捐款: https://sofar.co/tonina-donate

Stay connected with Tonina:


聚焦 Sofar Sounds 的藝術家

一起, Sofar & instax are launching give rise, a program to celebrate eight musical artists who will share stories about giving rise to new hobbies and activities over the past few monthsand the little wins they’ve earned as a result.

Give more than you take. Give rise to creativity. Give rise to community.

Learn more about the new instax SQUARE SQ1 here https://www.instaxus.com/instax-products/instax-square-sq1/

See more of Tonina’s world here: http://sofar.co/giverise

在 YouTube 上訂閱 Sofar 以獲取新音樂: https://sofar.co/訂閱

#StayHome #WithMe #giveSQUARE #instaxSQUARESQ1

Development features and images are simulated. Actual development time approx. 90 秒. FUJIFILM, INSTAX, and INSTAX SQUARE SQ1 are trademarks of FUJIFILM Corporation and its affiliates. ¬©2020 FUJIFILM North America Corporation and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
聚焦 Sofar Sounds 的藝術家

與 Sofar 保持聯繫!



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