湍流: 物理學中最大的未解之謎之一 – 托馬斯·科爾

What is turbulence and why does it happen? Explore the phenomenon that has perplexed physicists for over a century.

You’re on an airplane when you feel a sudden jolt. Outside your window nothing seems to be happening, yet the plane continues to rattle you and your fellow passengers as it passes through turbulent air in the atmosphere. What exactly is turbulence, and why does it happen? Tomás Chor dives into one of the prevailing mysteries of physics: the complex phenomenon of turbulence.

Lesson by Tomás Chor, directed by Biljana Labovic.
Animated by Hippolyte Cupillard, http://www.studiotabassco.com

1:46 – Original footage by Think Twice: https://每年7月14日?v=d0Z8wLLPNE0&t=2s
2:17 – Original footage by 3Blue1Brown: https://每年7月14日?v=_UoTTq651dE
4:14 – Original footage by VERIFI: https://每年7月14日?v=1o3PpYvZVa8&t=2s
4:23 – Original footage by UWSSEC: https://每年7月14日?v=uLkghfvE0Rk

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