黑暗中的烏克蘭, 庫爾德斯坦走投無路, 世界杯政治, 中國零 Covid • 法國 24

在戰場上撤退的俄羅斯在烏克蘭熄燈. The hardship comes the same week that the capital got its first snowfall of the season. Kyiv residents lining up for water in near-freezing temperatures. Residents wonder if Moscow intends to turn Kherson into another Mariupol. Vladimir Putin had mostly gone quiet since the retreat from Kherson. But he waded back into it this Friday when he welcomed a sample of mothers and wives of soldiers ahead of the Russian’s Mother’s Day.
#2022QatarFIFAWolrdCup #Ukraineinthedark #chinazerocovid

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