Underwater farms vs. 氣候變化 – Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Megan Davis
Dive into the world of aquaculture and see how restorative ocean farming could play a vital role in helping our coastal communities, our oceans and our climate.
For billions of people, seafood provides a significant source of protein and nutrition, but over half the seafood we eat isn’t caught in the wild, it’s grown through aquaculture. Farmed seafood is one of the fastest-growing food industries, but the farming methods echo the problems we’ve seen in industrial agriculture. Is there a way to sustainably farm the ocean? Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Megan Davis investigate.
Lesson by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Ph.D. and Megan Davis, directed by Biljana Labovic.
Animation by Elsa Esteban, Marcos González, Yuki Kijima – https://www.elsaesteban.com/
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