設計的城市福祉 | RSA 重播
How can we design good mental health into our urban spaces?
What would our cities look like if they were designed with mental wellbeing, equity, and restoration at their core? Many cities around the world are built on models that haven’t kept pace with growing urban populations and the imperative to halt damage to the climate – which means millions living high-cost, high-stress lives in polluted, overcrowded surroundings. How can cities be better geared towards living well together?
A panel including health policy expert Layla McCay gathers to explore the principles and practice of designing and running cities with mental health at the forefront. How do our surroundings affect us? What role can citizen participation play in developing inclusive urban environments? And what will it take in practice for our cities to enable healthy, 快樂的, more equitable lives for everyone?
Look out for more events on this theme coming up in our Regenerative Futures programme this autumn.
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