War and Peace | “特納的現代世界”
The themes of war and peace are present in many works in “Turner’s Modern World.”
“This juxtaposition, I think, is enormously poetic, and it gives us a sense of how Turner was willing not only to take risks artistically but was also inclined to try to sway the sentiment of his viewers to make them feel as he did.” – 喬治·T. 米. 沙克爾福德
In this series, 喬治·T. 米. 沙克爾福德, 歐洲藝術副館長兼策展人, 討論 J. 米. 生態城市. Turner’s work and the themes in “Turner’s Modern World.”
Tickets and info for “Turner’s Modern World”: https://kimbellart.org/exhibition/turners-modern-world