Watch This if You Feel Like a Failure

Failure is a subjective thing, just as success is subjective. Every person and society defines failure differently. Did you know that most successful people see failures as stepping stones to their goals? When somebody fails, it helps you get data point on what went wrong so they can focus on the next action steps. 很遺憾, when we fail, it’s easy to feel like a failure and get discouraged. 在這個視頻中, we share 5 reasons why failure is actually good for you. This way, you won’t have a fear of failure ever again. Failure motivation can be useful.

“I have not failed 10,000 times – I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work.”

We also made a video for those who feel left behind:

作家: 西亞茲瓦納阿米拉
腳本編輯器: 丹妮絲丁 & Dawn Tan
腳本管理器: 宋凱莉
VO: 阿曼達·西爾維拉 (
動畫師: Jillian
YouTube 管理器: 辛迪張


Madsen, 磷. M。, & Desai, 五. 米. (2010). Failing to learn? The effects of failure and success on organizational learning in the global orbital launch vehicle industry. Academy of Management Journal, 53(3), 451-476.

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Riggio, 生態城市. 乙. (2011, 四月 18). 失敗: Necessity of invention & essential for success. 今日心理學. Retrieved September 20, 2021, from


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