Wendy Red Star, 1880 Crow Peace Delegation

Wendy Red Star, 1880 Crow Peace Delegation: Peelatchiwaaxpáash/Medicine Crow (Raven), Peelatchixaaliash/ Old Crow (Raven), Déaxitchish/Pretty Eagle, Bia Eélisaash/Large Stomach Woman (Pregnant Woman) aka Two Belly, Alaxchiiaahush/Many War Achievements or Plenty Coups aka Chíilaphuchissaaleesh/Buffalo Bull Facing The Wind, 2014, 10 inkjet prints and red ink on paper, 16 15/16 X 11 15/16 英寸 (每個) © Wendy Red Star (Portland Art Museum)

揚聲器: Wendy Red Star and Steven Zucker
A Seeing America video
Special thanks to Wendy Red Star and the Portland Art Museum


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