What happened to the Gallery’s paintings during WWII? | 國家畫廊

In August 1939, the Gallery found itself at the centre of a city expecting widespread bombing. Kenneth Clark, our Director at the time, knew that our paintings needed to be evacuated but where would they go and how would they return? Find out with Alan Crookham, our Research Centre Manager.

Learn more about the Gallery in wartime here: https://bit.ly/36ZfBaV

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國家美術館收藏了 13 至 19 世紀的西歐傳統繪畫作品. 博物館免費開放 361 每年的天數, 每天之間 10.00 是 – 6.00 下午和星期五之間 10.00 是 – 9.00 下午.
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