什麼是邊緣性人格障礙? 神話 & 對 Ali Mattu 博士的誤解

加入 Psych2Go 的 Monica 和 Ali Mattu 博士 (https://www.youtube.com/c/ThePsychShow) for a discussion about Borderline Personality Disorder as a part of the Ask An Expert Series. Livestream on 27 September at 3:30 PM EST.

───────── Want to share your expertise? ───────────
Do you want to be featured on the Ask An Expert series? If you are an expert in the field (例如, 醫生, psychiatrist, allied health professional) or have an interesting story to share (例如, you have experienced a mental health challenge and have something unique to share), please fill out this recruitment form: https://forms.gle/FFbqcCJuwmVRJ8PR7.

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───────── Subscribe to Dr Ali Mattu ───────────
Dr Ali Mattu https://www.youtube.com/c/ThePsychShow


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