是什麼讓霓虹燈發光? 360° 動畫 – 邁克爾·利普曼
In this 360° animation, explore the vibrant world of neon signs and learn the science of what makes them glow.
When the Hoover Dam was completed, it created a huge source of hydroelectric power and zapped a sleepy desert town to life: Las Vegas, Nevada. With the power supply from the dam, Las Vegas soon exploded with vibrant displays. The source of these dazzling lights was electrified neon gas. In this special 360° animation, explore the colorful world of neon signs as Lippy shares what makes them glow.
How to view this TED-Ed animated 360° video:
If you have access to a Google Cardboard viewer and a smart phone:
1. Open this video in the YouTube app on your phone.
2. Hit pause on the video.
3. Tap the 3 vertical dots on the top right corner of the view window. This will slide up a sub-menu where you will choose the quality setting of your video stream. Choose “2160s.” Note that if you are not streaming over Wifi, YouTube will only allow “720s” 品質.
4. Tap on the “Cardboard viewer” icon on the bottom row of the video window (it looks like a mask). This will present the video full screen in prep for the Cardboard viewer.
5. The screen is now divided into 2 halves, separated by a thin white line that runs halfway up the screen. Make sure to rotate your phone so that this thin line is coming from the bottom of the screen. This ensures proper stereoscopic depth.
6. Insert your phone into the Cardboard viewer and press play. The video will begin. Enjoy!
If you do not have access to a Cardboard or smart phone:
1. You can watch on your browser. Use your mouse to drag and explore the space above, below, and behind you. Enjoy!
Lesson by Lippy, directed by Lippy.
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查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/what-makes-neon-signs-glow-a-360-animation-michael-lipman
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