“Go Big”需要什麼’ 在 COP26? | RSA 重播
Can the upcoming UN Climate Change Conference be a turning point in our fight to save the planet?
We know climate change is the big existential challenge of our time and must be matched by the scale of our global response. Some have expressed scepticism about the potential for COP26 to bring about meaningful change, but with public appetite for climate action reaching new heights, is now the time when people power and formal politics could converge?
It can’t all be left up to the people in charge – but without good leadership, we won’t achieve the whole-system change we need. What would bold thinking, radical action, and meaningful momentum-building look like at this critical juncture in climate politics? As COP26 approaches, former Labour Party leader and ex-Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband reflects on the research in his new book, Go Big, and explores what it would take for this moment to become a catalyst for real change.
Look out for more events on this theme coming up in our Regenerative Futures programme this autumn. https://www.thersa.org/rogenic-futures
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