Why It Is So Hard to Live in the Present

The period of time we find hardest to inhabit is the present; for a range of powerful reasons we should take on board. 如果你喜歡我們的電影, 看看我們的商店 (我們在全球範圍內發貨): http://bit.ly/2c4gneZ

當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始, 當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始: http://bit.ly/2cKtBO4

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Very many of us suffer from a peculiar-sounding problem: an inability to properly inhabit the stretch of time we call ‘the present’. Maybe we’re on a beautiful beach on a sunny day, the sky is azure and the palm trees slender and implausibly delicate, but most of ‘us’ isn’t actually here at all, it’s somewhere at work or in imaginary discussion with a rival or plotting a new enterprise….”

You can read more on this article and other topics on our blog TheBookofLife.org at this link: http://bit.ly/2cb3YSy



當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始: https://當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始

當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始: https://當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始

當我們面對——通常是相當突然的——在我們看來是激進的自私時,爭論往往會開始: https://www.instagram.com/theschooloflifelondon/


Produced in collaboration with Tomas Pichardo Espaillat
http://tomatico.net/ #TheSchoolOfLife


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