為什麼要閱讀 “麥克白”? – Brendan Pelsue

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查看完整課程: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/why-should-you-read-macbeth-brendan-pelsue

There’s a play so powerful that an old superstition says its name should never be uttered in a theater. A play that begins with witchcraft and ends with a bloody, severed head. A play filled with riddles, prophecies, nightmare visions, and lots of brutal murder. But is it really all that good? Brendan Pelsue explains why you should read (or revisit) “Macbeth.

Lesson by Brendan Pelsue, directed by Silvia Prietov.

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Delene McCoy, Sammie Goh, Kathryn J Hammond, Ded Rabit, 席德, Jonathan Reshef, Tracey Tobkin, Jack Ta, Megan Whiteleather, Paul Coupe, Grant Albert, David Douglass, Ricardo Paredes, Bill Feaver, 愛德華多布里塞諾, Arturo De Leon, Christophe Dessalles, Jeff Hanevich, Janie Jackson, 博士. Luca Carpinelli, Muhamad Saiful Hakimi bin Daud, 希瑟斯萊特, Patrick leaming, Martin Lõhmus, Joris Debonnet.


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