作坊: 通過形狀表達情感 | 教育工作者之夜
作坊: 通過形狀表達情感
在本次研討會, 教學藝術家拉里·阿什頓(Larry Ashton)介紹了來自世界各地的令人驚嘆的面具, then demonstrates how to make a collage that uses paper shapes to represent different facial expressions. This workshop connects hands-on artmaking with strategies for developing social-emotional skills. For grades K–3.
Image credits:
Mask, 墨西哥, Gulf Coast, Veracruz, Olmec, 1000–600 BCE, jadeite with traces of cinnabar, 4 × 3 × 2 英寸, 洛杉磯縣藝術博物館, gift of Constance McCormick Fearing AC1992.134.2, photo © Museum Associates/LACMA