360° VR 中的 X 戰警金剛狼 | 神話老闆 | 漫威 x 堡壘之夜
Check The New Wolverine Boss in 360 Degrees. You Control the camera!
地點: Weeping Woods Help Support the channel by using Creator *CODE: Vicinity360
移動用戶: 滑動屏幕 / 移動電話
電腦用戶: 使用 WASD 或按住鼠標左鍵環顧四周
Change the quality to 4k!
如果您喜歡我的內容,請考慮訂閱更多 360 學位視頻. 確保你按鈴!
*免責聲明: Using Creator Code: Vicinity360 to buy Vbucks or in the Epic games Store, I will earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.