Xu Bing, 從天而降的書

Xu Bing, 從天而降的書, C. 1987-91, 用木活版印刷的手工書籍和天花板和牆壁捲軸; 紙本水墨, each book, 打開: 18 1/8 × 20 英寸 / 46 × 51 厘米; each of three ceiling scrolls 38 inches × c. 114 腳 9-7/8 英寸 / 96.5 × 3500 厘米; each wall scroll 9 腳 2-1/4 inches × 39-3/8 英寸 / 280 × 100 厘米 (installation at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2014), collection of the artist, © Xu Bing
揚聲器: Allison Young and Steven Zucker. Created by Steven Zucker and Beth Harris.


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