是的, 科學家們實際上正在建造通往太空的電梯 – 法比奧·帕庫奇

探索太空電梯背後的物理原理, 理論上將使用錨定到地球並延伸到太空的電纜.

Sending rockets into space requires sacrificing expensive equipment, burning massive amounts of fuel, and risking potential catastrophe. So in the space race of the 21st century, some engineers are abandoning rockets for something more exciting: elevators. What would it take to build such a structure? Fabio Pacucci explores the physics behind modern space elevators.

Lesson by Fabio Pacucci, directed by Tjoff Koong Studios.

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動畫師的網站: https://vimeo.com/tjoffkoongstudios

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