你只能救一個——你選誰? – 道格·麥凱
解開兩艘船遇險但您只能拯救一艘的道德困境, 並決定: 你選哪個?
You are the captain of an interstellar cargo transport headed to port when you receive two distress calls. The first is from a labor ship, whose passengers are running out of oxygen. The other from a luxury space cruiser which has lost a thruster, sending them careening into danger. With only enough time to save one ship, which should you choose? Doug Mackay explores this classic ethical dilemma.
Lesson by Doug Mackay, directed by Avi Ofer.
This video was produced in collaboration with the Parr Center for Ethics, housed within the renowned Philosophy Department at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Parr Center is committed to integrating abstract work in ethical theory with the informed discussion of practical ethical issues, and prides itself on the development of innovative and inclusive approaches to moral and civic education.
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