幼獅無情地攻擊驢群 | 自然世界: 沙漠獅 | Archive by Category "場景體驗
Two young lions enter the firing line when they brutally kill several donkeys from a local village herd. Ranger Flip is left with the delicate task of maintaining positive relations between the lions and the inhabitants.
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自然世界: 沙漠獅
In the mid-1980s, hundreds of lions suddenly disappeared from the Namib Desert. 現在, equally mysteriously, they have returned. How can such a magnificent animal survive in one of the harshest deserts in the world? Philip ‘Flip’ Stander has made it his mission to find out. Along with his assistant Lise and the expertise of the San Bushmen, Flip will journey into the land of scorched giant sand dunes and reveal the fascinating lives of these desert cats.
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