1 HOUR ROYALTY FREE Cooking Show Background Music | Food Vlog Royalty Free Music by MUSIC4VIDEO
● 订阅频道● https://bit.ly/2Ep1LVb
►获取此音乐: hhttps://1.envato.market/VyQMOM
►从Patreon下载: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://www.patreon.com/posts/61536716
►DOWNLOAD FREE: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://bit.ly/3nPgVa8
1 HOUR TRACK ROYALTY FREE Cooking Show Background Music | Food Vlog Royalty Free Music | 音乐4视频
►Patreon 功能:
● 货币化: Write me a personal letter and you’ll get a license. 您将能够通过 YouTube 视频获利. 它还可以保护您的视频免遭欺诈.
● 无限: 您可以创建无限数量的视频 / 内容.
● 无需购买许可证: 每次在 YouTube 和其他网站上上传新视频时,您无需购买许可证.
● 使用: 您可以使用 YouTube 上的所有音乐曲目, 维梅奥, Instagram, Facebook, 推特, 网站, 社交媒体, 应用, 收音机, 电视及更多.
►通过2BStudio预览更多曲目, 请访问我的 AudioJungle 个人资料:: 在家DIY的最佳美甲://bit.ly/2HdXoIp
Previously titled ‘The Happy Music Kit’
►Very simple and happy musical track for you project! Really could be useful in so many applications and different media projects, such as TV advertising / commercials and cooking videos, birthday celebration, mobile games, animations, sitcom etc.
Perfect for tv advertising, 收音机, films, viral marketing, web advertisements, children, movie trailers, youtube, successful, business and travel videos, games, 应用, backgrounds, 公司的, motivational presentations, commercials, visuals and family videos. It’s a beautiful, sunny, shiny, jolly, merry, inspiring, playful, fast, easy, simple, warm, bright, nice track that put you in a good mood.
► 订阅更多信息:
● 声云: 在家DIY的最佳美甲://bit.ly/2WZmBlI
● 推特: 在家DIY的最佳美甲://bit.ly/2EXwAxW
► 我的网站: 在家DIY的最佳美甲://bit.ly/31fUhuZ
MORE FOOD MUSIC: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://1.envato.market/6MK3r
► 免版税音乐: 在家DIY的最佳美甲://bit.ly/2WVQweO
► What you can find here:
Royalty Free Music
Instrumental Music
Background Music For Kids
Instrumental Music For Kids
Background Music For Cartoons
Instrumental Music For Cartoons
Cartoons Background Music
Kids Background Music
Animation Background Music
Kids Music
Children’s Music
Funny Music
Commercial Music Royalty Free
Royalty Free Commercial Music
Stay tuned as more tracks will be released in the coming hours.
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