4 Signs Of A Sex-Starved Relationship

Sex is, or at least should be, the sign of an unconditional acceptance that we feel towards our partner, and that our partner feels towards us. It is through sex that two people send each other those comforting hidden messages: “I think you’re beautiful… I desire you… I love you”. But even still, many times our deepest desires go ignored. It may feel shameful and humiliating to admit that. We sometimes feel dirty for wanting more sex, but making love is the fundamental drive that makes us human. Without sex, our relationship starts to suffer, and we start suffering from the inside as well. Here are a few signs of a sex-starved relationship.

What does sex do to you? Find out here: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://youtu.be/Z4fL8rlBOUI

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