5 Psychological Facts about Sex & Mental Health

Mental health and sex are strongly connected in many fascinating ways. With our sex life, affecting our mental health and our mental health affecting our sex life, there are a lot of interesting facts to learn about the two together. Our mental health play a large part in how we experience sex and vice versa. 所以, in this video, we’ll be exploring five psychological facts about sex and mental health.

We also made a video on the benefits of sex here: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://youtu.be/5xie-potD08 Be sure to check it out!

Script Writer: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Caitlin McColl
脚本管理器: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
Voice Over: Drew Baillie
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Julie Ma
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式

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