6 Ways To Support Someone Who Came Out (LGBT)

Coming out as LGBT can be a terrifying ordeal. The uncertainty of figuring out whether someone is safe or not to come out to can fill them with distress and anxiety. If a friend or loved one chooses to come out to you, it means they’ve trusted you enough to share this very important part of themselves. While the new information might come as a surprise at first, understand that their sexuality makes them no less of the person you love and appreciate. Their identity goes much farther than their sexuality. And all the while, it’s still something very much worth celebrating. Whether it’s a friend, sibling, or someone else, here are some ways to support your LGBT friend.

If you want to learn more about the different sexualities, check out this video: 10 Sexualities To Know About https://youtu.be/SEurlKy2bN0

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Kumar K. Dec 3, 2020. How Do Hugs Make You Feel? Retrieved at https://www.medicinenet.com/how_do_hugs_make_you_feel/article.htm
BelongTo. ND. Supporting Someone Coming Out. Retrieved at https://www.belongto.org/youngpeople/advice/supporting-someone-coming-out/
LGBT Chapter UNC Hill. (ND). If Someone Comes Out to You. Retrieved at https://lgbtq.unc.edu/resources/if-someone-comes-out-you/


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