7 Architecture Facts pt.32 | Castle, Entry, Newport, & Charleston

This video is about seven facts of architecture; When architects discuss proportion they refer to the degree of symmetry and or harmony of a part or whole of a building. Even as early as 15BC Vitruvius taught proportion in relation to the orders of architecture; This neoclassical style of entry is an adaptation of classicism which became very familiar on Georgian, Colonial, Federal and even vernacular style homes like the cape cod. It typically has pilasters and entablature; Egyptians used mud bricks and stone for construction. While their pyramids had dramatically pitched surfaces, other buildings had sloped walls too. One of the reasons for this was to insure the structural stability of buildings made from sun dried mud brick; The Isaac Bell House in Newport Rhode Island was designed by McKim Mead and White. The house is an example of the shingle style with various porches and gables, creatively styled columns, simplified trim details, and of course a shingle facade and roof; Windsor Castle is a complex of medieval buildings that occupy 13 acres in the county of Berkshire England. The castle has a rich history as fortification and residence. It was originally much smaller designed with only a fortified tower and surrounding courtyard; Charleston is the oldest city in South Carolina with scores of historic architectural examples. The cities wide range styles rivals most in the US and includes Georgian, Federal, Italianate, Victorian and Greek Revival; “Vernacular” is a word that architects like. The word describes buildings that use local construction materials, methods and traditions. Thus the aesthetic of the building is recognizably particular to a specific location rather than appearing generic.

This is a video series about facts in architecture. 这 15 second videos featured in the series are created by Doug and posted every day on his Instagram account @dougpatt.



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