7 Common Fears Not Phobias!

What are the common things we tend to fear the most? Are they tangible objects like blood, snakes or spiders? Or something less tangible? You would think the transition from childhood into adulthood would make all fears disappear. But, even in adulthood fears tend to surface. It is no more than illusions of reality and childhood trauma.

We’re not saying everyone had a terrible childhood or are out of touch with reality. Everyone carries emotions for things that would better us if we simply let go. It’s hard to conclude letting go if you aren’t even aware of what you’re holding on to. 所以, here are 7 Common Things We Tend To Fear.

#commonfears #fears #psych2go

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Original Article: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://psych2go.net/7-common-things-we-tend-to-fear/

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