7 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式

Relationships can be the most beautiful and nurturing experience. 然而, in toxic relationships, these traumas can deep wound us. Even though we might not be conscious of them, they can show up in subtle ways that create challenges for our future relationship, or even for ourselves. Relationship traumas can create stress that worsen over time, making it more and more difficult for us. They can leave us feeling powerless, and confused, as to why certain things trigger or affect us so much. Let’s explore how unhealed relationship trauma can show up in our lives.

The goal of this video is to build awareness on the topic of relationship trauma and abuse. If you feel someone could benefit from these videos, do consider sharing!
#trauma #relationship #intimacy

还, if you want to learn more about the signs of unhealed trauma in general, we have a video on that too: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://youtu.be/41-dra66Y0o

未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Spicevious
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Rida Batool
脚本管理器: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Evelvaii
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式

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