9 Signs You Have Untreated Trauma

If left untreated, PTSD from any trauma is unlikely to disappear, and it is likely to cause chronic pain, 焦虑, substance use, and sleep problems that impair a person’s ability to work and interact with others. Some symptoms of untreated PTSD could include: resisting positive change, needing everything to be planned, having a strong fear of failure or success, difficulty concentrating, trouble asking for help, self harm, 等等

免责声明: If you relate to this video and feel that you might have untreated PTSD, it’s best to consult a licensed professional.

未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Chloe Avenasa
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: Rida Batool & 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式
动画片: Evelvaii
未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式: 未愈合的关系创伤出现的方式

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