Antisemitism in Europe | 德国之声纪录片

Has antisemitism returned to Europe? Our documentary asks: what is it like to be a Jew in Germany, Poland and France today?

Fear has returned to Europe. Jewish people are afraid of attacks in the street and their children report bullying at school. Cemeteries have been desecrated and hate slogans chanted at parades. Reporters Andreas Morell and Johanna Hasse set out to investigate Europe’s reawakened nationalism and find rising anti-Semitism, especially in Poland. Why does anti-Semitism still exist in society? Why are some prejudices apparently impossible to eradicate? France has even witnessed violent attacks against Jews in recent years, which has led to an increase in emigration of French Jews to Israel. The finger of blame for this new anti-Semitism is usually pointed at Muslims. Morell and Hasse talk to historians and philosophers such as Georges Bensoussan and Elisabeth Badinter, as well as with Rabbi Michel Serfaty, who has tried to mediate between the religions for many years. But when they return to Germany, they realize the same problems exist here too. Perhaps Germany has been too preoccupied with finding solutions and dealing with the idea that anti-Semitism is an immutable problem instead of a social challenge to be confronted. The documentary is an inventory of anti-Semitism in Europe, a film about people caught between despair and hope, and resignation and resistance.

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