Applying And Removing Saniderm (Is This Normal??)

Have you ever thought about how you would go about Applying And Removing Saniderm?

Have you ever thought to yourself (Is This Normal??)

In this video I will show you how I go about applying Saniderm to the freshly done tattoos that I do. For me personally I prefer to use a Saniderm barrier after each and every tattoo that I do to minimize infection for the client when they leave the shop and to avoid any unwanted incidents to occur during the early stages of healing.

To apply Saniderm is a very very simple and straight forward process. I simply measure down the size that I need, and I apply it however is best. Applying Saniderm to the fingers can be tricky so I always like to leave a bit of excess around the tattoo site so that the Saniderm does not come off during the healing early healing stages.

I like to typically leave my Saniderm on for about 2-3 days depending on how the tattoo feels upon healing. Removing the Saniderm is super simple as well in my opinion but can or may cause a bit of discomfort for the client upon removing. To minimize discomfort and remove the Saniderm I like to wet the entire sites and use Dr Bronners unscented soft soap to clean the tattoo. By adding water and soap to the surrounding Saniderm areas this will allow for the Saniderm to come off of the skin with a bit more ease.

I will leave a link for you below so you can check out the Saniderm on your end.


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