Arabs Abroad: The Surgeons | Al Jazeera World

Over the decades, millions of people from the Arab world have emigratedsome driven by conflict and persecution, others for economic and family reasons.

They settle in Europe, 澳大利亚, the Americas and Africa. But media coverage usually only shows them at the start of their often treacherous journeys, and the stories that get told can sometimes be stereotyped and incomplete.

In the Arabs Abroad series, Al Jazeera World profiles the lives of migrants after their initial journey. We meet people who have built successful lives away from their Arab homelands, while remaining connected to their rootseach in their own way giving something back to the region of their birth.

In ‘The Surgeons’ we meet two Arab doctors: Dr Munjed al Muderis, an orthopaedic surgeon who fled Iraq for Australia, and Dr Mohammad Hajjiri, a heart specialist who left Jordan for the US.

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