bODY rEMIX / gOLDBERG_vARIATIONSby Compagnie Marie Chouinard

Unbelievably flexible and excitingly vibrant dancers in mysterious setting are characteristic traits of Canadian star choreographer Marie Chouinard, as she and her exceptional company always have a surprise in store. After her triumph at ImPulsTanz 04 withSacre” 和 “Chorale,” Chouinard will now show her brand-newbODY_rEMIX/gOLDBERG_vARIATIONS“ at Vienna’s Burgtheater. The lucid music of Johann Sebastian Bach’sGoldberg Variationsprovides the musical setting for the company’s variations on the concept of freedom. The dancers come out on pointes: on one or two, even three or on four at the same time. They employ unusual aidescrutches, prostheses, ropes, belts and horizontal polesthat enable them the freedom to move at times, and at others they restrict or impairs their movement.
An aesthetically challenging statement on the indefinability of the other and the impertinence of beauty.

From the seriesBackstageAre you ready for Dance? The World’s newest Dance Performances


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