存著再看年 06:15 NYFrick收藏馆 ‘Renoir, Impressionism, and Full-Length Painting,’ An Introduction to the Exhibition
存著再看年 08:52 London国家艺廊 ‘Saint Jerome in his Study’ 大卫丹尼尔斯谈咏叹调 10 minutes | The Home Office | National Gallery
存著再看年 26:47 WS-Smithsonian亚洲美术馆 “Art and Money; 或者, the Story of the Room”: Whistler, the Peacock Room, and the Artist as Magus
存著再看年 01:05:32 Vienna艺术史博物馆 “Beethoven bewegt” – Facebook Live Tour (auf Deutsch) mit Kurator Andreas Zimmermann
存著再看年 49:10 Vienna艺术史博物馆 “Beethoven Moves” – Instagram Live tour through the special exhibition with co-curator Jasper Sharp
存著再看年 04:19 SanFrancisco亚洲美术馆 “Gending Peter,” performed on ritual-bell replicas and overtone flute at the Asian Art Museum