Climate change in the Antarctic | 德国之声纪录片

Few places on Earth are as remote as the German research facility Neumayer Station III. The scientists who work at this outpost in Antarctica are studying the effects of climate changeunder extreme conditions.

Journalist Matthias Ebert traveled to the station to find out more about their research. The scientists are particularly concerned about the speed at which Antarctic ice is meltingand its impact on global sea levels.

The researchers have also been studying a large colony of emperor penguins that lives near their facilityto find out more about how these birds are adapting to climate change.

Ebert reports on the daily lives of the scientists who work at the Neumayer Station, and how they cope with the extreme weather conditions, isolation, and cramped quarters. They’ve even managed to grow some of their own food in a greenhouse at the facility.

Ebert documents the damaging effect that global warming is having on the Antarctic, and the risk that this poses for the rest of the world.

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