Digital learning after lockdown | 直播影片RSA

The pandemic, and worldwide lockdown that accompanied it, required schools across the globe to redesign their delivery models overnight. Teachers, some for the first time, had to rethink their practice to engage with learners and parents in a virtual classroom. At the same time, schools have had to confront the issue of unequal access to technology and data. 

One year on, as schools and colleges have adapted to remote and blended learning models, what valuable learning has emerged from the crisis? As the workforce has improved its digital fluency, what new opportunities have arisen for post-Covid recovery and beyond? Are there opportunities for consensus about how to utilise new technologies to improve access and maximise learning for all, especially the most disadvantaged?  

Join us for the first in a new series of Rethinking Education events, bringing together respected practitioners, policymakers and thinkers, to discuss whether the challenges that emerged during the Covid-19 crisis might, 实际上, be opportunities to build consensus across political divides and different traditions in teaching and learning.

扬声器: Alex Beard, Senior Director, Global Learning Lab, Teach for All; Priya Lakhani OBE, Founder CEO, CENTURY Tech; Matt Hood, Principal, Oak National Academy; Rosemary Luckin, Professor of Learner Centred Design, UCL Knowledge Lab; Nic Beech, Executive Principal, Central RSA Academies Trust
Chair: Matthew Taylor, RSA Chief Executive


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只有当我们尊重所有事物和地方之间的生命联系时,我们才能与地球系统保持平衡: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://
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