Discover Singapore’s Vibrant Art Scene with Artist Yang Er Tan

Let’s discover Singapore’s art scene with Yang Er Tan! She is a Singaporean multidisciplinary artist and a sought-after set designer for music videos and theater.
She will take us on a personal tour through the city-state of Singapore, a place of dueling identities: east–west, old–new, traditional–contemporary.
This is the second part of Art.See.Asiaan art lover’s guide to southeast Asian cities. There’s more cities to come! Stay tuned!

00:00 介绍
00:47 Civic district’s art trail, meet visual artist Jacey Lim
03:02 Goodman Arts Center, Jacey’s studio
06:20 Muslim quarter Kampong Glam, Gelam Gallery with Kit Wuan
09:11 Street Artist Sam Lo
14:09 On the beach, sand artist Stacey
17:45 Textile Artist Kelly Limerick
20:16 Painter-caligrapher Mark Chan

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