Do Your Genes Make You Fat? – with Giles Yeo

Are your genes to blame when your jeans don’t fit? Giles Yeo explores the role of genetics in appetite control and obesity.
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While the obesity epidemic is a contemporary problem, undoubtedly due to changes in our lifestyle and in the types of food we eat, differences in our genetic make-up mean some of us eat more than others. Join geneticist and neuroscientist Giles Yeo as he discusses how we use genetics as a tool to understand the biological variation in appetite control.

Giles Yeo is a neuroscientist and geneticist at the University of Cambridge. He is a Principal Research Associate and group leader at the University Metabolic Research Labs, studying brain control of food intake and bodyweight. He is also director of the Genomics and Transcriptomics core facility.

This talk and Q&A were filmed in the Ri on 26 January 2018.

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