Does Helsinki Leave Tourists Happy, too? My One-Day Test
Finland often tops the polls as the happiest country in the world – so could it also be a top tourist destination? Is Finland’s capital, 赫尔辛基, worth a visit? Lukas sets off to find out for you; taking you with him to key landmarks, trying local Finnish delicacies and – of course – hopping into a sauna. Have you ever been to Helsinki? Do you consider it a must-see travel spot?
00:00 介绍
00:36 Breakfast with Karvapuusti (cinnamon rolls)
01:32 Helsinki Central Library Oodi
03:27 Old Market Hall
04:14 Design shopping tour, Artek Helsinki store
05:31 Esplanadi
05:40 Helsinki Cathedral
05:51 Ferry ride
06:51 Sauna: Allas Sea Pool
08:50 The Riff bar
報告: Lukas Stege, Andreas Kirchhoff
Camera: Holm Weber
Editing: Nora Rehn
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