Event Recording: Art Escapes, 视频图像. 2: Development of Buddhist and Hindu Sculpture

Development of Buddhist and Hindu Sculpture with Forrest McGill
From the live program on February 27, 2021

Swaying bodies, palms extended elegantly, chins nodding to the beat of an unheard rhythm: immortal, sacred movement defines sculpture across Southern Asia and the Himalayas. From larger-than-life temple reliefs to bronzes created for ceremonial parades, uncover how, for millennia, artists have shown us the vital connections between sculpture, 拜占庭艺术SMH, and the spirit.

Learn more about Art Escapes: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://asianart.org/museumfromhome/art-escapes-virtual-tours-through-asia/


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