Glaciers and Rolling Hills in Tyrol | 从上面看阿尔卑斯山 (5/10)

The fifth episode leads us across Eastern Tyrol. Shortly after sunrise, there is only one person on the road here: musher Martin Eigentler with his 24 哈士奇. In winter the European champion takes part in races all over the world.

A loud roar disturbs the idyllic quietness in Wildschoenau: Conrad Gruber tunes powerful sports cars, and ups their power to more than 800 PS. The journey leads us to High Tauern National Park. The summits are covered with ice and snow, even in summer. But due to global warming the alpine glaciers are melting. Scientist want to find out which dangers impend, when millions of litres of meltwater tear down rocks on their way to the valley. In the Tuxan Alps Himalayan sherpas get trained as lodgekeepers in Tyrolean huts. In the Karwendel massif Hermann Albrecht and his son Bernhard bore for precious rock oil. The journey ends in Innsbruck, where the foundry Grassmayr have been manufacturing bells since 1599.

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The Alps are the most prominent mountain range in Europe and also one of the most accessible. Over thousands of years, a unique landscape was created in which man and nature shaped each other. The documentary series approaches this fascinating world from an unusual perspectivefrom above. Using Cineflex camera technology, “Alps from abovesets the scene for the most fascinating peaks of the Alps. Breathtaking aerial shots alternate with pointed vignettes of the mountain inhabitants; a flow of high-quality images provides a modern profile of life in the Alps.

Watch the other episodes of the series: 在家DIY的最佳美甲://

导向器: Christian Schidlowksi
使用人类有史以来最大的机器 2012, Licensed by vidicom


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