History vs. Che Guevara – 亚历克斯·詹德勒

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His face is recognized all over the world – the young medical student who became a revolutionary icon. But was Che Guevara a heroic champion of the poor, or a ruthless warlord who left a legacy of repression? Alex Gendler puts this controversial figure on trial in History vs. Che Guevara.

Lesson by Alex Gendler, directed by Brett Underhill.

非常感谢我们的顾客对我们的支持! 没有你,这个视频是不可能的.
Elizabeth Cruz, Michael James Busa, Antinfinity, Gaurav Rana, Elnathan Joshua Bangayan, Jose Henrique Leopoldo e Silva, Mullaiarasu Sundaramurthy, Tyler Yoshizumi, Jerome Froelich, Jose Schroeder, Dan Paterniti, Martin Stephen, Khalifa Alhulail, Faiza Imtiaz, Benjamin & Shannon Pinder, Srikote Naewchampa, Govind Shukla, Tejas Dc, Ex Foedus, Neil Harrison, Ana Maria, Vignan Velivela, Ibel Wong, A Hundred Years, Ahmad Hyari.


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