你的身体怎么知道你吃饱了? – 希拉里·科勒

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Hunger claws at your belly. It tugs at your intestines, which begin to writhe, aching to be fed. Being hungry generates a powerful and often unpleasant physical sensation that’s almost impossible to ignore. After you’ve reacted by gorging on your morning pancakes, you start to experience an opposing force: fullness. But how does your body actually know when you’re full? Hilary Coller explains.

Lesson by Hilary Coller, directed by Sashko Danylenko.

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Noa Shore, Taylor Hunter, Kyle Nguyen, Bijan Bayat Mokhtari, Elias Wewel, Henry Li, Ayaan Heban, Michael Aquilina, Yansong Li, MJ Tan Mingjie, Fabio Peters, Silas Schwarz, Cristóbal Medina Moenne, Tushar Sharma, Mohammad Khory, Goh Xiang Ting Diana, Umar Farooq, Kevin Wong, Activated Classroom Teaching, Constantin Salagor, Monica Grace Ward, Dawn Jordan, Yanira Santamaria, Prasanth Mathialagan, Savannah Scheelings.


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