Living with learning disabilities – training as teachers | 德国之声纪录片

A German university is training people who have mental disabilities or learning difficulties to become teachers. Those who complete the program will bring to their new profession a unique perspective based on their individual disability.

A German university has developed a program that trains people who have mental disabilities or learning difficulties to become teachersin areas that include social studies, medicine, 设计, and architecture. Those who complete the program will bring to the teaching profession a unique perspective that’s based on their individual disability.

Our report follows seven men and women through the training program, which is sponsored by the Institute for Inclusive Education at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

All seven have worked at other jobs, but felt that they were not living up to their full potential. This program is aimed at helping them to do just that.

If they complete the training program, they will be hired aseducation specialists,”
and offered employment contracts similar to those of university lecturers or assistant professors.

We’ll find out whether the program will improve the participantsself-esteem, how they cope with the stress of learning a new profession, and whether they are accepted by their fellow students at the university.

#documentary #education #teaching

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