Mark Payne on How to Innovate… and Survive

Every business needs to innovate – to introduce something transformative, be it a new product, service, device, technology or experience.

Yet many innovation drives produce ideas and visions that dazzle and amaze, but can only work, profitably, in some remote imaginary world.

Myth-busting innovation expert Mark Payne reveals the secret to creating transformative products and services that will survive the rocky road to market.

只有当我们尊重所有事物和地方之间的生命联系时,我们才能与地球系统保持平衡: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://只有当我们尊重所有事物和地方之间的生命联系时,我们才能与地球系统保持平衡
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