Masoud’s listone man against the IS | 德国之声纪录片

Syrian Journalist Masoud Aqil spent nearly one year in the hands of Islamic State terrorists, who threatened to kill him. A prisoner exchange secured his release. He now lives in Germany, where he exposes and reports suspected IS supporters.

Syrian Journalist Masoud Aqil spent almost nine months in the hands of so-called Islamic State, facing torture and death threats. 在九月 2015 a prisoner exchange secured his release. Now the one-time prisoner of terrorists has become their hunter, living at a secret location in Germany. With the help of Kurdish contacts, some from within the Syrian-Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), and his own online research, Masoud Aqil tracked down suspected IS supporters, including some he became acquainted with during his nine-month ordeal in Islamic State’s torture chambers. Some of them are now living in refugee housing in Europe. Masoud Aqil has reported the suspects to German authorities. More and more refugees are following his example. Masoud’s Lista Report by Frank Hofmann.

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