毛乌斯: 获得普利策奖的漫画 | 使用人类有史以来最大的机器 “斯皮格曼的艺术”

MAUS is a comic about a father and son, trying to understand each other.At the core of Art Spiegelman’s most famous work were countless hours spent talking with his father, who told him the story of his survival. Oddly enough, this was the only time the two spent together without arguing.

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These conversations were followed by extensive research, both through books and through visits to the places in Poland where the scenes later depicted in the comic actually took place. At the time, in the seventies, sources for research were sparse. 这 “Holokitsch,” as Spiegelman calls it, did not yet exist in Hollywood.

For Art Spiegelman, it is one of his greatest achievements that MAUS was never made into a film, although Steven Spielberg showed interest even before it was first published. He struggled with the success of the comic and created a kind ofAlter Ego”, theSpiegelmonster”, to cope with the media interest.

This is an excerpt from the documentary “斯皮格曼的艺术”. Click here to watch it in full length: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://youtu.be/H1MS9z6_9So

Directed by Clara Kuperberg, Joëlle Oosterlinck
Produced by Wichita Films
Licensed by Poorhouse International


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