Milankovitch cycles precession and obliquity | Cosmology & Astronomy | 可汗学院

How changes in Earth’s rotation can effect Earth’s seasons and climate. 由萨尔·汗(Sal Khan)创建.

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Cosmology & Astronomy on Khan Academy: The Earth is huge, but it is tiny compared to the Sun (which is super huge). But the Sun is tiny compared to the solar system which is tiny compared to the distance to the next star. Oh, did we mention that there are over 100 billion stars in our galaxy (which is about 100,000 light years in diameter) which is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in just the observable universe (which might be infinite for all we know). Don’t feel small. We find it liberating. Your everyday human stresses are nothing compared to this enormity that we are a part of. Enjoy the fact that we get to be part of this vastness!

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