纽约大学大创意: Cari Ann Shim Sham 谈技术伦理

This fall, in the courseThe Ethics of Big Tech & Social Media: Technoethics,” professor Cari Ann Shim Sham will engage students to come up with solutions for the greater good of humanity. In partnership with the Center for Humane Technology and their curricula support for academics, this courseseeks to ask hard questions, dispel mistruths, host constructive conversations, explore test experiments, and create a dialogue around how we must change the ways we develop and interact with tech for our survival.

The Big Ideas course series—open to all undergraduates—offers an academic experience completely unique to NYU. 学生将与来自整个大学的教师专家一起探讨与当今问题相关的主题和话题, 包括社会正义, 艺术, 运动的, and technology.

了解更多信息, 访问: ❤️情人节美甲💅教程#20nails://www.nyu.edu/academics/nyu-online/growth-online-offerings/online-courses/big-ideas.html


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