Old & Odd: Archaea, Bacteria & ProtistsCrashCourse Biology #35

Hank veers away from human anatomy to teach us about the (mostly) single-celled organisms that make up two of the three taxonomic domains of life, and one of the four kingdoms: Archaea, Bacteria, and Protists. They are by far the most abundant organisms on Earth, and are our oldest, oddest relatives.

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Table of Contents
1) Archaea 03:23
一种) Methanogens 04:02
b) Extremophiles 04:24

2) Bacteria 05:24:2
3) Gram Positive 06:50
一种) Proteobacteria 07:15
b) Cyanobacteria 07:30
c) Spirochetes 07:42
d) Chlamydias 07:52

4) Protists 08:12
一种) Protozoa 09:03
b) Algae 09:54
c) Slime Molds 11:13

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